Well I guess I should first start off by saying how disappointed I am in everyone's lack of creativity in dancing. Dancing should be fun! This is a time where people can express themselves through bodily movement and show others something different. If people don't know how to dance, then simply just jump up and down or side to side. But noooooooooooohohohohoooooooo! People nowadays like to "grind" and rub each others butts and crotches together, and it's sooooooooo boring and just plain wrong!! I mean, why would you want someone to dry hump you?? It's the closest thing to sex. Really. I'm not being totally biased here. Freshman year, I tried it, and it bored the heck out of me. I was just moving back and forth and felt really uncomfortable. After that, I never did it again, no matter how "in" it was.
It would be awesome if my generation could go back in time to learn how to really dance, like legit swing dancing or have a dance similar to the one in Grease. I mean look at the picture, now isn't that just exhilarating?? Hahaha well we don't have to be extreme like that, but you can see that they are having fun! I guess the only actual dance that we know is the cha cha slide..... At least we know a dance, but we should learn more! I get pretty tired doing the Cha Cha slide every single dance. But the point is that, everyone knows the dance, everyone knows how to dance it, and everyone enjoys dancing to it! But it's the only one we know.... :(
Fashion nowadays are okay, nothing to complain about there. It's funny how in the past, movies projected people in our current time to be wearing silver suits of some sort and driving, oh wait, flying cars. Well I guess the most abstract thing today is Lady Gaga, and I love her!
Music. Music, music, music, music.... Well I would say as of right now popular music is getting a little bit better. Better than it was two or three years ago. I feel like music nowadays are usually about sex, partying, and getting with girls. Technically, good dance music for people to grind to. I like music that has more substance, more meaning, good lyrics, and especially a singer that can sing in the studio or live. Lady Gaga is awesome, Yann Tiersen has some great songs, Mae, Katy Perry, Coldplay, The Black Keys, Vanessa Carlton, Carolina liar, The Fray, Frank Sinatra, Death Cab for Cutie, Nicki Minaj, Journey, Jack's Mannequin, THE LIST CAN GO ON AND ON!! I like all different types of genres. Some make me wanna dance and have fun, some are good to listen to on a quiet day, some are good to listen to during road trips, etc. My favorite band of all time Paramore! THEY ARE AWESOME! Their songs helped me get through certain periods of my life, and their lyrics are just awesome. AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME! Kind of a crazy fan, but I actually follow Hayley William's, the lead singer, blog, for I enjoy looking into the random stuff she puts up in terms of music, fashion, and paramore updates. Here's an awesome picture of her head banging.
I love love love headbanging too. It just gets a lot of stuff out of my system, it's fun, and it works out the neck! I would have to say that rock is my favorite genre. It's just an epic explosion of emotion flowing through the music, and allows people to let go of whatever is holding them back. I also like to incorporate rock "stereotypes" into humor. For instance, Betty White during snl, when they were singing the theme song of Golden Girls to her. Just random stuff like that makes me laugh. A funny and memorable moment for me this past homecoming was that
my friend and I were singing the screamo version of T.G.I.F by Katy Perry and Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus. Oh good times.
I guess a topic that I would like to end with is how crappy the 2000's or 10's (is this how we abbreviate not?) is. I was talking to my parents about the creativity and the huge advancements in technology that occurred within the 80's. People nowadays may look at it and say how stupid it was and how ridiculous people looked, but at least they were able to take a risk and doing something different. The 80's had color, imagination, interesting music (verrrrrrrrrrrry, below is a flock of seagulls singing I ran, a good taste of the 80's),
weird FASHION, and VERY memorable movies! Some movies from the 80's that I really enjoyed watching were The Breakfast Club, Beuller's Day Off, Sixteen Candles, Back to the Future, E.T., STARWARS!! The list can go on and on! The movies made today are based off of books or are just remakes of movies in the past. When i was discussing this with my parents, we thought that my generation has to go through a time of hardship, suffering, and learning before we can experience creativity once again. And this can all relate to the economy, blah-di-blah blah....
I guess I'm just waiting for the better times in life. I want more, more, MOREEEEEEEEEEE!!! muahahahahhaha!! By the way, this video made me cry just a little bit. (Got it from Hayley William's blog)
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