Ok. So here are listed a few of my pet peeves. But from what I've learned in life, just get over it. There's no use of getting angry and wasting your time berating the person or the thing that is being annoying. Also, there may be some things you do that may annoy the other person. Just accept it and move on.
No need to freak. Number 9. |
- People who ride freakishly loud Harley Davidsons and think it's okay to drive around the neighborhood around one o'clock in the morning....really....
- I really get annoyed when people talk over me or others. Seriously? I mean let's all talk like adults, take turns, and for once let's finish a story. This will also prevent people to REPETITIVELY come back into the conversation and ask "huh? What happened?".
- Overly competitive people. They just need to chill out. Peeing in the bathroom the fastest does not have to be a competition
- People who are actually smart but describe things in an arrogant way. First of all, you don't need to explain everything and try to gain credit knowing everything. Second of all, we know that you are smart, so you don't need to prove it to anyone. Third of all, don't think that you are always right and that no one else's opinion matters.
- Closed minded people. It's too hard to talk to them and they are ALWAYS right...
- Girls who wear leggings as pants. Sorry, it's just too skin tight. Don't like it. Don't want to see your but hanging out...please...
- People who freak out when they don't get an A. They literally cry their eyes out!
- People who think it's the end of the world when something small happens. Just brush it off and move on. Time isn't going to wait for you.
- People who talk during movies. BE QUIET! I wanna know what's going on!! (This really bothers me because my parents do this all the time, and I have to rewind the dvd multiple times.... Oh parents, how much I love them. )
- Babies who cry at every single thing. What do you have to do to make them happy?!
HAHAHA!! Omg too funny... I can see why he got hurt. This helps explain number 4 on my list.
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