
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Heeeeeeeey you.

Dear little middle school Alison,

I hope that you are having a fun time with your life right now! Busy with soccer, piano, and most importantly, becoming a mature, sophisticated, beautiful, woman. Well I might as well give you some hints for the future so you don't make the same mistakes as I have. Is that even possible? If you do the right things, will I be a better person now? Or will you just have your own separate life and I'll just be non existent? WHEN WILL THEN BE NOW? Hahaha well this brings me to my next point.

Do not over think everything. Take things the easy way. GO WITH THE FLOW. There's no need to over stress over everything, for opportunities will always come and I know you have the enthusiasm to overcome any obstacle. Also, try to not over achieve. If you really want to over achieve, just overachieve in simple classes. It's not worth to stress over accelerated classes while others are given better opportunities for taking simpler classes. Plus, it's worth experiencing and taking your time in college. Enjoy life, bear necessities!

I would also advise giving up soccer. It's going to break your heart later in the future if you don't give up now. I know it's bad to give up on things, but I know it's not worth your time. Trust me. But continue with piano. You will give up piano for soccer, which totally suuuuucks! Stick with piano. Plus, try to convince daddy and mommy to change teachers. Slava is a mean old woman! Bleh! I miss playing the piano now. Well currently still try, but I know I could've been better if I continued with the lessons.

Now, if you greatly simplify your life, you'll be able to participate in more activities in high school. Senior year, I'm in BPA and Link Crew. I've also tried Y.E.S., DECA, and Science Olympiad. Since I advise you to not take accelerated classes, excel in these clubs. You can do it! This will look good for college applications and resumes! Also they are all fun!

Lastly, I just want to warn you that there will be many obstacles in the future for you. Just know that you can overcome each and every one of them. They aren't as bad as they seem. At the end of the day, you still have a life to live and you must continue it. PERSEVERE!

Well good luck to you and your life, while I'm living your future life. (This whole letter sounds funny. Now I'm thinking about what I'm going to think about this letter ten years from now. HAHAHA!)


Your future self.

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