
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Twilight Saga is overrated...

Friday, I was able to see Breaking Dawn. Personally I'm not a huge fan of this Twilight Saga and I just had to watch it for it's OBVIOUS humor.

In middle school, I have no shame in saying that I read the Twilight books, starting from Twilight, ending with Breaking Dawn. It was pretty good! I enjoyed the books and the plots because they were pretty exciting! The possibility of someone dying, saving someone's life, little twists and unexpected turnouts, everything! Also, by reading the book I was able to create my imaginary and ideal Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, and other characters.

When the first movie was about to come out, I had huge expectations and was a Twilight fan. I would frequently go on the website to see the updates on the movie, watch interviews, and listen to the songs on the soundtrack. (Thank god I didn't turn into an EXTREME Twilight fan...) My dislike for Twilight started when the idiotic director picked the cast and directed them to act in an odd way.

First of all, Robert Pattison. Why?! I give him credit for Harry Potter, but why Twilight? He ruined everything! The first director wanted him to act animalistic and "sexy". To attain this, Robert would stare at Kristen as if he has a mental problem and would monotonously talk as if he has phlegm in his throat. Sadly, this is implied in each movie within the Twilight Saga. When I read the book, Edward has a lot more emotion. A lot of times, he gets mad at Bella because of all the dangerous things she does, and he also has a playful side when he constantly teases her. But nooooo it can't be put into the movie... In the movie, when he gets mad, his eyes only gets bigger and he continues to stare stupidly at nothing.

Next, Kristen Stewart. She should not have played Bella. I've seen some of her past movies, and she fits those role like Joan Jett in The Runaways and Melinda Sordino in Speak. But when she played Bella, she may look the role but definitely does not play it well. She twitches, stutters, has weird eye contact, and once again talks in a monotonous voice. It's not that hard! Just change your voice into different pitches!
Honestly, I think it's the first director's fault. She was probably on something when she was making the first movie. In interviews, she seemed really out of it and spacey. She picked Robert and Kristen to play the main roles because they reveal great "chemistry" while making out on the bed. REALLY...really...Thank god they got rid of her, or whatever happened, because the movie got progressively better. Too bad they couldn't change the cast...

Well back to Breaking Dawn, it was okay. Some parts were really cheesy and odd, but the graphics were pretty cool! They made Kristen look really unhealthy and sunken in, and her transformation was awesome. Some people thought that it was really disturbing and disgusting, but I think they almost captured the true essence of the book (in my mind at least). I mean, turning into a vampire should not be a joyful experience.

Can't wait till NEXT YEAR (oh lordy...) until the next part comes out so my friends and I can continue making fun of it. That's practically all I did while I watched Breaking Dawn, it made the experience so much more enjoyable. I was so disruptive that the lady next to us got mad, but I can't stop laughing because the movie is just terrible and cheesy! Some people take this vampire story too seriously. (Yeah like the parents who named their kid after Bella's baby and the guy who tattooed his whole body with Twilight pictures.)

 If I have the right connections and if I'm loaded with tons of money, I hope to remake the whole Twilight saga.

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