
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jim Crow Laws

Hmmm.... Jim Crow Laws.... Yeah it's really stupid. Some things that really get to me is that the Civil rights movement just occurred only fifty years ago! That sucks! Well we were pretty close to ending racism  when Lincoln was President and won the Civil War, but since he got assassinated, his plan for a better future was delayed. Something interesting that my AP Biology teacher showed us last year was her father's old biology textbook from college. It was surprising to see how racist it was, excluding and demoting the colored people. It's a biology textbook for crying out loud! I feel like people in the world try to become superior to others because of closed mindedness, fear, or because they feel good to put others down; but I think it's mainly because extreme white people wanted to feel joy in being able to control someone. Whites would feel satisfied knowing that they don't have to compete with a certain group of people since they are lower in status and education, therefore they can't compete. Also, whites would make black people do things that they don't want to do, for if the black people rebel, they may suffer severe consequences. Jim Crow Laws were just a way for white people to control black people (maintaining segregation, giving the better facilities to whites, etc).
I always find weird how "black" is always looked down upon. In history, white people always have the higher authority and prestige, white light is always safe, white resembles anything that is good. Black is evil, dark, unsafe, dangerous, etc. I think these connotations then lead to the assumptions of which race is good or bad based on the color of their skin. That just sucks. People just need to accept the face that everyone, no matter what race, is a little dark inside. There is no such race as being more dangerous or more angelic. Shit happens everywhere no matter what, and all people can do is to move on and help others who are in need/ being abused.

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